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Change Log

How to update theme and plugins?

Version 1.1.2 – August 20 2019

* New - Option to show/hide auto update (Appearance -> Customize -> General Options)
* New - Check/Uncheck All options for listing type builder
* Fixed - Default listing thumbnail
* Fixed - Missing translation texts
* Fixed - Some small issues

Version 1.0.6 – May 26 2019

* New - Tour listing type

* Improvements/Fixes from CityBook theme from version 2.1.3 to 2.1.9: https://docs.cththemes.org/docs/installation/changes-log/version-2-1-9/
* Fixed - Some small issues

Version 1.0.4 – April 12 2019

* Added - New EasyBook WooCommerce Payments plugin for Paypal/PayFast recurring subscription
* Added - PayFast recurring subscription for built-in checkout system
* Added - ZAR currency rate option for PayFast payment
* Added - New Listing Coupon/Extra Fees/Trainers – Spearkers fields
* Added - New function for using custom link to add plan to cart. Ex: domain.com/?action=esb_to_cart_get&product_id=123
( where product_id is your listing plan post )
* Fixed - Some small issues

Version 1.0.2 – April 6 2019

* Added - New option for hiding contact infos/widget element based on author membership plan or logout user
* Added - New auto update system https://docs.cththemes.org/docs/installation/new-update-system/
* Fixed - Demo content
* Fixed - Some small issues

Version 1.0.1 – March 27 2019

* Added - WooCommerce 3.x compatible
* Added - WPBakery Page Builder compatible ( plugin is not included )
* Added - New expired subscription and AD notification
* Fixed - Some small issues

Version 1.0.0 – March 26 2019

* First release!


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