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  4. Section Banner

Section Banner

1. Section Banner:

There are 2 parts need to notice on the banner section:

1.1 Hero Slider

1. Add New Slider: Click to button Add Item to add new Slider

3. Content: You can use HTML/CSS code on this Editor

4. Show Search Form: Select “Yes” if you want to show search form on current slider

5. Save: Click to save icon to save the change

1.2 Hero Section:

In this section you only have one introduction, and the background can have many different options.

We have 6 styles banner: Parallax background, Vimeo background, Local video background, Slider background, Youtube background, and Map banner

1.2.1 Parralax and Slider background:
  1. Type: Select Paralax or Slider type for background
  2. Background Image: select the image you want to set background
  3. Overlay Opacity :Overlay Opacity value 0.0 – 1. Default 0.5
  4. Overlay Color :Pick the color of overlay.

1.2.2 Video Background:
  1. Background Type: Select Youtube video / Vimeo video / Hosted video
  2. Youtube or Vimeo Video ID: enter the ID of Video
  3. Background Image: select the image you want to set background on Mobile
  4. Overlay Opacity :Overlay Opacity value 0.0 – 1. Default 0.5
  5. Overlay Color :Pick the color of overlay.

1.2.3. Map background:

On this Style we will get the Address of Listing to build Map

  1. Categories to get listings: enter the category of Listing you want to show on map
  2. Enter Post IDs: enter the ID of Listing post that you want to show on the map
  3. Or Post IDs to Exclude: Enter post ids to exclude, separated by a comma (,). Use if the field above is empty.
  4. Posts to show: Enter number City book Listing you want to show on the map

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