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  4. Version 2.0.0

Version 2.0.0

Important note: We’ve released new version of CityBook Add-Ons plugin with new great features. But the new version introduces some radical changes to the plugin. So please make sure backup your data first just in case anything happens and read carefully update details instructions.

New features

1. Drag & drop listing submit fields builder

Drag & drop listing submit fields builder

2. Build-in drag & drop single listing layout builder

Build-in drag & drop single listing layout builder – like other page builder

3. Hotel zoom types with calendar availability

Hotel zoom types with calendar availability

4. New hotel zoom booking system

New hotel zoom booking system

5. Listing types availability and author fee for membership plan

6. New chekcout system

7. Multi-criteria listing review

What’s will change

  1. Your modified code will be override.
  2. User notifications will be reset
  3. Listing review will be reset
  4. Listing view counter will be reset
  5. Some small errors fixed

Update theme

You have to update theme and add-ons plugin first. Read more details at Update theme and plugin

Post update

I. Import demo listing types

Listing type posts will be imported to WordPress admin -> Listing Type menu, where you can add/edit listing submit field ( for each type ). There will be multiple builder area allow you using drag and drop feature to build your own single listing layout, header search and listing filter form also.

Note: you have need edit listing type posts.

II. Setup default listing type and thumbnail image

Default listing type
Default listing thumbnail

III. Change listing type for your listings

Changing type for listing

Keep old version

If you don’t want to loose your modified code or updating features! Don’t worry, we will alway provide older version of the CityBook Add-Ons plugin with errors fixed. And to update you just need download theme package from theme Themeforest with All files & documentation option select

then extract the downloaded file you will see Plugins/citybook-add-ons folder, upload the folder content to your site root -> wp-content/plugins/citybook-add-ons folder

Update Issues

I. Can’t edit listing type post

If you have this issue, please delete your server and browser caches

II. Hero/header search layout issues

Edit default listing type post -> Filter tab -> Filter Hero Section tab to change the button column width

For header search form layout, edit Filter tab -> Filter Header Search sub-tab

III. Can’t submit/edit listing post

Edit listing plan for selecting available Listing Types
Remove Category and Features fields then add new

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