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Theme Customization

You can go to WP Admin -> TheRoof Options to customize your website!

General tab

Where you can select site logo, icon and loader

Header tab

Note: Most of these options will be ignored if you build header using Elementor ( as described on Elementor -> Header Builder section)

Blog tab

Where you can customize layout for posts list page ( blog )

Blog Single Post tab

Where you can customize layout for single post page

Project Tab

Where you can customize layout for project archive page

Thumbnails tab

Where you can set image size for posts to optimize loading speed. You also need using Regenerate thumbnails plugin to delete old images and regenerate new.

Fonts tab

Where you can use prefer Google font for your site.

Colors tab

WordPress Customizer

You can also change site logo and icon from Customize area -> Site Identify panel.

The Customize screen can be also accessed from WordPress admin -> Appearance menu then Customize

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