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Claim Listing

With the claim listings feature, listing owners can “Claim” their listings and let the site visitors know the listing has been verified by admin and store owner.
Lising owners can claim their listings by submitting an integrate form using the Claim Now! link on the listing they would like to claim.

Their claim request with Pending status will be inserted to Listing Claims area (From the admin sidebar, click on Listing Claims)

Clicking on the listing title, you’ll be able to edit the Claim and change the Status accordingly. You can also set the claim a price then ask listing owner pay for the claim by changing status to Asked charge fee status

Once you (site admin) have confirmed they are the owner of the listing ( claim status has changed to Approved ). Their role will be automatically switch to Listing Author and they are author of the listing in WordPress dashboard. Also the listing gets a Claimed badge

Paid claim can be automatically approved by using option from Settings -> CityBook Add-Ons -> Single tab

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