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Create new Post

Every blog post you create has has it’s own single post page. The single post page displays the entire blog post, featured images, author details, comments, etc. In this article, we’ll be outline all the relevant sections in a single post page and how you can configure the post page using the global Theme Options.
Featured Image Box – For each post you create you can upload one or more featured images (the default is 5). Citybook provides Featured Image Boxes on the right side of the post editing page and this is where you upload your Featured Image’s. You can only upload one image per ‘Set Featured Image’ option
Step 1 – Go to the ‘Posts’ tab on your WordPress admin sidebar and clicking ‘Add New’ to add a new post.
Step 2 – Give your blog post a title and add your content as normal.
Step 3 – Continue Set Featured image for post.
Step 4 -. Assign post to the Category and create tags list.
Step 5 – Click ‘Save Draft’ or ‘Publish’.

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