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Google map Settings

Google Map

Navigate to Settings > CityBook Add-ons > Google Map, there are 3 options need to focus:

1 –  Google API:

This is required field, follow this guide to get the Google API key.

2 –  Place Autocomplete:

+  Listing Location Type: Which level do you want to search? There are 5 levels search:
 Locality > Sublocality > Postal Code > Country > City > District
+  Restriction Countries: Type to search. Restrict the search to a specific countries. Leave empty for all.

3-  Listings Map

+ Default Latitude: Enter your address latitude – default: 40.7. You can get value from this website
+ Default Longtitude: Enter your address longtitude – default: -73.87. You can get value from this website
+ Default Zoom: Default map zoom level, max: 18
+ Map Marker: Select image to set pin icon on Map

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