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  3. Maintain Page Settings

Maintain Page Settings

This option allow you build Comming soon page instead of using other plugin.
Mode: There are 3 mode for you: Disable / Maintaince / Comming Soon.

Maintenance Options

This is Textarea field, so you can use both shortcode and HTML code on this.
We have small shortcode for you: [citybook_subscribe message=””]

Coming Soon Options

Message: This is Textarea field, so you can use both shortcode and HTML code on this.
Coming Soon Date: The date should be DD/MM/YYYY format. Ex: 09/12/2021
Coming Soon Time: The time should be hh:mm:ss format. Ex: 10:30:00
Timezone Offset: Timezone offset value from UTC
Message After: This option allow you show Message with Subscrible form
Background: Upload big image to shows it as the background.

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