In the “Fields” tab of the listing type, you have three sub-tabs.
- Listing
- Room
The “Fields” tab of the listing type is where you add all the fields which will be used for this listing type. Here you also have the ability to create custom fields.
The fields of each listing type will appear in the add listing page or the edit listing page. Using fields, is how you get the data from your customers (listing creators) and then use those data to populate their listings.
In this article, we are explaining the first part of that (creating fields), while in the “Listing type Single page tab” article, you’ll learn how to populate listing page using the data you get from the fields you create.
Used fields
Under used fields are displayed all fields and custom fields which are being used. These fields will show in the add or edit listing form. You’ll notice that by default, the used fields area is populated by title and description fields. These are the only two fields that are required and cannot be deleted. Everything rest, is up to you to decide.
All available fields
Under All available fields you can find the pre-set fields that you can simply drag and drop to use, and you can find the add custom field dropdown.
Pre-set fields list
- Section Title:
- Name Title:
- Location – Adds a location field with location auto-complete (powered by mapbox or google maps). Using this field the user can input the address of their listing, which will be later used to display the listing location on the explore and single listing page.
- Category – Category is a taxonomy which you can use to organize your content and use it as a filter. More on that later.
- Gallery images – A multi-select image upload field, used to upload multiple images which can be displayed in single page as a gallery
- Phone:
- Email:
- Address:
- Social networks – A repeater field to allow users to add the social networks that they use
- Price from:
- Price to:
- Price range – A simple select field which can be used to select a price range e.g $, $$, $$
- Work hours – Can be used to input business work hours
- …….
You can choose to display any of the textual fields added in the fields tab , one or more buttons can be added and buttons can be reordered with drag & drop
Custom fields :Choices custom fields
- Input: Allows you to add a single input.
- Checkbox: Allows you to add a single checkbox.
- Select: Allows you to create a dropdown with single-select options.
- Textarea: Allows you to add text.
- Editor:
- Radio: A single-select list of options displayed using radio button
- Switch: A single-select list of options displayed using switch button
- Image: select image upload field, used to upload images which can be displayed in single page as a single
- Multiselect: Allows you to create a dropdown with single-select options.
- Number
When adding new, you fill in the contents into the corresponding fields :