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  4. Version 2.1.8

Version 2.1.8

Important note: CityBook Import Add-On plugin is not needed, it is for bulk import listings from exported excel/csv file with WP All Import plugin. So please deactive it after bulk import or in case you don’t need bulk import function. Also it should be deactive before do update theme proccess.

Update theme

From version 2.1.0 we provide new update system which allow you update our theme and its add-ons plugin directly from WordPress Themes/Plugins screen. You do not need to delete and reinstall add-ons plugins anymore.

Read more details at New update system

New features

1. New listing tag taxonomy instead of default WordPress tag

2. New event dates widget

3. New default country option for listing location

4. User will be redirected to success page when chose free author membership plan.

5. Fix missing day error on weather widget

6. Fix working hours error

7. Fix some small issues

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