TownHub - Listing & Directory WP Theme

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Change Log

How to update theme and plugins?

Version 1.5.3 – January 29 2021
* Fixed - Available time slots are not deducted when booking
* Fixed - Some small issues
Version 1.5.2 – January 22 2021
* Added - Option to calculate author earning on author approved bookings:
* Added - Register as author option on user registration page
* Improved - Scroll inquiry form into view after submit for showing message
* Fixed - Missing AD Positions on admin area
* Fixed - Some small issues
Version 1.5.1 – January 08 2021
* Added - Dashboard Bookmark Listings page
* Added - Option to enable booking from multiple author for WooCommerce (notification emails will only send to first author) -
* Fixed - Some small issues
Version 1.5.0 – December 28 2020
* Added - Razorpay payment plugin ( paid plugin - not included in theme package )
* Added - 2C2P payment plugin ( paid plugin - not included in theme package )
* Fixed - Date filter return all listings when there is no available listing
* Fixed - Nearby filter error
* Fixed - Some small issues
NOTE: You can find additional plugin under TownHub Add-Ons -> Plugins admin menu.
Version 1.4.9 – December 18 2020
* Added - Option to disable init map on listing loading:  ( reduce google service cost )
* Added - Option to remove deleted listing images from Media library:
* Added - Option to search listings by category name:
* Fixed - Some small issues
Version 1.4.8 – December 08 2020
* Added - Minimum night for calendar on general booking and inquiry forms
* Fixed - Hotel room search by person
* Fixed - Filter listing by max guests
* Fixed - Checkout total for slot and tickets booking
* Fixed - Some small issues
Version 1.4.7 – December 01 2020
* Added - iCal Synchronization
* Added - Option to show WooCommerce Orders on dashboard (for listing product orders - not bookings):
* Added - Email notification send to author 5 days before his subscription expires:
* Added - New option to search event by date from calendar (extract date )
* Added - Features drop down filter element:
* Improved - Filter hotel rooms by maximum person
* Fixed - Some small issues
Version 1.4.6 – November 19 2020
* Added - Paystack payment gateway
* Added - Bank transfer withdrawal fields:
* Added - Options which allow author/customer can cancel approved/paid bookings:
* Added - Option to refund canceled booking for WooCommerce:
* Improved - Hotel rooms now can't be booked if number of persons exceeds room's capacity
* Fixed - WooCommerce products disappear when edit from back-end ( without selecting Listing Product type )
* Fixed - Some small issues
Version 1.4.5 – November 13 2020
* Added - Nearby listing ADs
* Added - Email template for customer cancel booking
* Added - Email templates for approved and declined claimed listing
* Added - Option to hide listing title on single listing header element
* Fixed - Price calculation on Per person/hour-slot price base
* Fixed - Missing Whatapps field on bulk import listings
* Fixed - Some small issues
Version 1.4.4 – October 30 2020
* Added - Different booking notification email for each listing type:
* Added - Required option to categories, tags, images fields
* Added - Option to enable filter events by exact date:
* Added - Option to enter admin booking emails:
* Added - Option to set dashboard header background image and hide circles:
* Fixed - Missing image and data on approved claim listings
* Fixed - Dashboard chat mobile style
* Fixed - Some small issues
Version 1.4.3 – October 16 2020
* Added - New Ethiopian Birr currency option
* Added - Option require users login to booking listing:
* Added - Option to allow authors set their listings to publish status:
* Added - Option to reset author stats:
* Fixed - Booking chart counter
* Fixed - Some small issues
Version 1.4.2 – October 08 2020
* Added - Option to hide iCal dashboard menu
* Added - Option to set product submission limit for author plan: Site owner can also set the limit from editing user screen:
* Added - Button to get current author location on submit/edit listing page
* Added - Option to use tickets for multiple event day. Each day has separate ticket available number:
* Added - Option to separate bookings and enquiries on front-end dashboard:
* Fixed - Event tickets available number not deduct
* Fixed - Some small issues
Version 1.4.1 – September 30 2020
* Added - Option to use rooms booking form as inquiry booking
* Fixed - Missing header when using Elementor Pro footer builder
* Fixed - Some small issues
Version 1.4.0 – September 25 2020
* Added - iCal synchronization:
* Added - Custom field group element ( allow group custom field into one section )
* Added - New report listing notification email
* Added - Option to switch start day of week between Monday and Sunday:
* Added - Price calculation on time slot selected
* Added - Restaurant menu tabs on booking form
* Added - Option to enable quantity for service on rooms booking:
* Added - Booking note option for rooms booking form
* Added - Option to set scrolling to element when dates selected:
* Added - Option to fix missing listings on category tab:
* Added - Option to set maximum categories and locations for selecting on submit/edit listing
* Added - Hide working hours option field:
* Fixed - Woo product images not showing
* Fixed - Some small issues
Version 1.3.9 – September 11 2020
* Added - Dokan marketplace plugin compatible ( dokan vendor can add listings ):
* Added - Listing category/location description their listings pages
* Added - Time slots every 15/30 minutes and 1 hour:
* Added - Booking form note:
* Added - Tax info to invoice
* Added - Option to show menu item to Dokan dashboard:
* Added - Option to move All menu item to last on Restaurant menus:
* Fixed - Some small issues
Version 1.3.8 – September 04 2020
* Added - Author Statistics page:
* Added - Option to set Google autocomplete results type:
* Added - New time hour options for working hours field
* Added - Option to select source dates for checkin/checkout picker on booking forms:
* Fixed -  Rating slider error
* Fixed - Some small issues
Version 1.3.7 – August 28 2020
* Added - Registration email field pattern option
* Added - Option to select default listing type for author plan:
* Added - Author subscription status message:
* Added - Email send to author  for completed/paid booking
* Added - Save listing as pending:
* Added - Option to select invoice logo instead of site logo:
* Added - Option to force authors select a listing type before fields showing:
* Added - Reset author plan stats option:
* Added - Option to set minimum upload image sizes:
* Added - Option to change number of slides showing per view:
* Added - Option to show price range on listing card:
* Added - Option to hide listing widget on viewers’ plan:
* Added - Option to set redirect page after register:
* Added - New Instagram and Telegram listing social share
* Fixed - Some small issues
Version 1.3.6 – August 17 2020
* Added - Option to hide contacts widget on not claimed listings:
* Added - New HTML Code listing custom field:
* Added - Options to hide checkout billing fields:
* Added - Use listing featured or logo image for single map marker
* Added - Added option users must login to report listing:
* Improved - Move preview listing button to the bottom of editing page
* Fixed - Google reCaptcha on register page
* Fixed - option to disable chat to site owner
* Fixed - missing listings when Hide past event listings option checked
* Fixed - Some small issues
Version 1.3.5 – August 06 2020
* Added - Limitation option for restaurant menus:
* Added - Option to hide price on google map marker and use logo for marker:
* Added - Improved custom multiple select and checkbox fields filter
* Added - Option to hide timezone on Working Hours widget
* Added - Option to unmute listing header background video:
* Added - Option to show Add to Calendar button on event listing scroll bar:
* Added - New withdrawal notification emails
* Added - Option to redirect free author subscription to submit listing page:
* Added - Option to set editing listing to pending review status so that administrators can review changes before publishing:
* Added - Option to show first/last name fields on register form:
* Added - Option to show author blog posts on profile page:
* Added - Option to hide Promo Video, Coupon, Members, Custom field, FAQs and Fun Facts based on listing author plan:
* Added - Option to turn Custom Field element to section-like style:
* Fixed - Mapbox default center and zoom map to fit markers
* Fixed - Some small issues
Version 1.3.4 – July 22 2020
* Added - Show price on map marker: ( Google map and custom feature marker only )
* Added - New Image and Link field type for custom field element:
* Added - Cancel booking email
* Added - New option to set listing type for listings page:
* Added - New Autoplay option for listings slider:
* Added - New listing logo field:
* Added - New booking user billing address
* Added - New option to hide author earnings:
* Fixed - Fatal error when disable custom login/register pages
* Fixed - Can not edit listing locations
Version 1.3.3 – July 10 2020
* Added - New Event dates widget
* Added - New Mapbox map
* Added - New Similar listing slider element
* Added - New [listings] shortcode to showing recent listings.
* Added - New [bookmark_btn] shortcode
* Added - New author widget area:
* Added - New options to hide author page widgets:
* Added - New option to change header height
* Added - New option to set weather unit:
* Added - New option to hide default checkin date on booking form
* Added - New option to change listing header images size:
* Added - New option to disable expired author can buy the subscription’s plan again:
* Added - New location filter for Listings Slider element:
* Added - New option to disable custom login/register pages:
* Added - New option to hide categories tab on filter form:
* Added - New Google map street view header:
* Added - New Embed iFrame header type:
* Fixed - listing bookmark counter not change on deleting user bookmark
Version 1.3.2 – July 01 2020
* Added - Single Map element for single listing
* Fixed - Modal login not working with recaptcha
* Fixed - RTL style issues
* Fixed - Time slot error
Version 1.3.1 – June 20 2020
* Added - RTL language support
* Added - New option to use coupon for all listings:
* Added - Update booking user fields from WooCommerce checkout
* Added - New option to get nearby listings from listing location or customer location:
* Added - New option to disable invoice for free plan
* Added - New WooCommerce products category submit field
* Fixed - Can not login on Coming soon and Maintenance modes
* Fixed - Currency decimal and thousand separator on booking total
Version 1.3.0 – June 18 2020
* Fixed - Security issues
Version 1.2.9 - June 17 2020
* Added - Custom login/register/forget password and reset password page
* Added - Option to use custom login/register page instead of modal:
* Added - Custom Registration/Forget Password email templates:
* Added - Option to change login/register modal title:
* Added - Active author subscription to social registered users. WordPress Social Login (Facebook, Google, Twitter) and WP Facebook Login for WordPress plugins
* Added - New Listing Featured image element
* Added - New Nearby Listings element:
* Added - Option to hide map on desktop view:
* Added - Option to specifies a regular expression that username/password fields's value is checked against on form submission:
* Added - Option to select multiple categories for filter
* Added - Listing address link ( not in results page ) to google map
Version 1.2.8 - May 29 2020
* Added - Deduct available time slots from booking:
* Added - Option to limit one time slot per booking:
* Added - Option to set number of cats showing on categories tab:
* Added - Option to order listings by most viewed - Popularity by default:
* Added - Option to change number of features showing on listing card:
* Added - Option to disable free booking ( for built-in checkout system )
* Added - Option to select Privacy Policy page for subscribe form
* Added - Whatsapp number submit field:
* Fixed - Not showing menu images on admin editing
* Fixed - Lazy loading error with woocommerce cart
* Fixed - OSM map on mobile view with column grid layout
Version 1.2.7 - May 18 2020
* Added - New listing type option to category so you can set different filter form for category ( editing category screen )
* Added - New option to hide past event listings:
* Added - New option to hide subcategories on submit page ( TownHub Add-Ons -> Submit tab )
* Fixed - Not showing featured image on editing
* Fixed - Some small issues
Version 1.2.6 - May 12 2020
* Added - New listing limit notification:
* Added - WooCommerce order id to booking details if it was paid via WooCommerce
* Added - Option to count listings for category/location and their child:
* Added - Option to set maximum address characters
* Added - Russia – Odnoklassniki social share  ( okru name )
* Fixed - Coupon not showing
* Fixed - Stripe payment not open card popup if there is only one method
* Fixed - Lazy loading image error on coming soon and maintenance page
* Fixed - Lazy loading image for listings slider
Version 1.2.5 - May 5 2020
* Added - Option for user delete their account
* Added - Options to set a user as author from admin
* Added - Fixed author fee amount to user
* Added - VAT tax and service to author earning report
* Added - Tax to booking details
* Added - Purchase AD via WooCommerce
* Added - Option to set minimum withdrawal amount
* Added - Link on listing feature
* Added - Option to show select/checkbox/radio option label instead of value for Custom Field element
* Added - Option to hide listing address on contacts widget
* Fixed - Additional services to before tax and fee
* Fixed - Calculate author earning before tax + fee
* Fixed - Listing AD for search page
* Fixed - Author earning calculation on listing WooCommerce products
* Fixed - checkbox multiple select
* Fixed - Some small issues
Version 1.2.4 - April 29 2020
* Added - Option to use miles on nearby search
* Added - New option to show listing website on listing card
* Added - Sell booking individually via WooCommerce
* Added - Listing locations element
* Fixed - Listing AD for search page
* Fixed - Author earning calculation on listing WooCommerce products
* Fixed - Listings slider not working on home page
* Fixed - Social share icon when select custom font
* Fixed - Second page not showing correct listings on tag
Version 1.2.3 - April 24 2020
* Added - Restaurant Menu booking
* Added - New option for hiding total cost on booking inquiry form
* Added - whatsapp to social share
* Added - New option to show claim listing on hostedby widget and option to hide hostedby widget on claimed listing
* Fixed - Missing Additional Information field on booking inquiry form
* Fixed - Hotel Rooms / Speakers / Trainers slider
* Fixed - Missing review images
* Fixed - Some small issues
Version 1.2.2 - April 21 2020
* Added - Listing Tags (NEW) filter element
* Added - Email template option for reset password
* Added - Author Message element for single listing
* Added - Showing distance for nearby search
* Fixed - Image popup gallery on Safari browser
* Fixed - Single Text field error on submit/edit listing
Version 1.2.1 - April 17 2020
* Added - Room availability calendar:
* Added - Quantity on booking forms
* Added - Price calculation on inquiry form
* Added - Option to show price on listing card
Version 1.2.0 - April 13 2020
*  Released - React Native iOS & Android app
* Added - Filter by Features dynamic change based on category:
* Added - Address line 2 and Zip Code submit fields:
* Added - New option to use quantity for Extra Services on booking form:
* Fixed - Order listing by Event Start Date
* Fixed - Working hours field with description
* Fixed - Invoice logo missing when lazy loading enabled
Version 1.1.9 - April 03 2020
* Added - New header map style for listing single:
* Added - New Coupon code widget:
* Added - New options for WooCommerce booking:
* Added - New options to hide bookmark/share/report and write comment on listing scrollbar:
* Added - New options to hide map and email author on contact widget:
* Fixed - Missing booking details
Version 1.1.8 - April 01 2020
* Fixed - WordPress 5.4 compatible
* Fixed - Some small issues
Version 1.1.7 - March 24 2020
* Added - Weather Widget element
* Added - New option allow register user as author by default:
* Added - WooCommerce 4.x compatible
Version 1.1.6 - March 13 2020
* Added - Room details modal view:
* Added - Sale off submit field
* Added - Date format option for Event date field
* Fixed - Default thumbnail image for listing header and category/location
* Fixed - Claim listing not showing if listing has no price
* Fixed - Price range filter not showing
* Fixed - Editing error when author plan subscription hit limit
* Fixed - Date translation
* Fixed - Custom filter (NEW) element with checkbox/radio type
Version 1.1.5 - March 03 2020
* Added - Skrill payment (one-time and recurring)
* Added - Select Multiple field for custom fields
* Added - Custom Field (NEW) filter element with select options from submit field:
* Added - Ordering nearby search by nearest listings first
Version 1.1.4 - February 26 2020
* Added - .po and .mo translation files for French, Turkis, Chinese, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, Polish, Russian, Italian, German languages:
* Fixed - Room price metas error on admin editing screen
* Fixed - Bookmark listing button not working on map popup
* Fixed - Use default adults/children price when calendar metas is empty
* Fixed - Some small issues
Version 1.1.3 - February 24 2020
* Added - Bulk Edit calendar metas:
* Added - New room booking widget for persion/night:
* Added - New option for changing listing permalink:
* Added - New options for show/hide infos on listing card and header section:
* Added - New options 24 hour time format for event date field
* Fixed - Hotel room booking for multiple date prices
* Fixed - Hide chat with author buttons if chat is disabled
* Fixed - Can not select page on plugin options screen
Version 1.1.2 - February 14 2020
* Added - Custom fields system with filter:
* Added - Report listing function on single listing page:
* Added - View profile user menu:
* Added - Event date/end date and expired date for bulk import plugin
* Fixed - Room price for different days
* Fixed - Dashboard show wrong stats value
Version 1.1.1 – February 03 2020
* Added - Option to limit gallery images
* Fixed - Error when update Elemetor plugin from Appearance -> Install Plugins ( instead of Plugins screen )
* Fixed - Nearby search with distance radius show You need set Show distance radius to Yes: on Nerby Filter field.
* Fixed - Pricing plan header color ( for featured plan )
* Fixed - Listing claim form for claimed listing
* Fixed - Some small issues

Version 1.1.0 – January 21 2020

* Added - Option allow approve comment/rating from users booked listing:

Version 1.0.9 – January 20 2020

* Fixed - Checkout error on No Expire membership plan
* Fixed - Dashboard sidebar menu on mobile
* Fixed - Some small issues

Version 1.0.8 – January 16 2020

* Added - Invoice dashboard screen
* Added - Coupon for membership plan
* Added - Searchable for Categories and Locations Select fields
* Fixed - New user notification to admin when show password field
* Fixed - Locations Select field with multiple

Version 1.0.7 – January 09 2020

* Fixed - Google Map error
* Fixed - Loader logo rotation

Version 1.0.6 – January 06 2020

* Fixed - Security issues

Version 1.0.5 – January 03 2020

* Added -  Listing type elements option for hide Open/Closed status
* Fixed - OpenStreetMaps error
* Fixed - Mobile header error on iPhone SE screen
* Fixed - Showing listings menu on subscriber dashboard
* Fixed - Add listing button on dashboard header

Version 1.0.3 – December 30 2019

* Added - AD Campaigns dashboard screen for submitting listing AD
* Added - Withdrawals dashboard screen for author earning withdrawal
* Added - Event tickets field - adding event tickets
* Added - Event tickets for booking form
* Fixed - Custom color issue

Version 1.0.2 – December 24 2019

* Added - Auto Update feature:
* Fixed - Missing option fields on creating new Listing Type
* Fixed - Currency position on Available Calendar meta
* Fixed - Event status for Multiple-day event
* Fixed - Not showing submit Google map
* Fixed - Submit rooms error

Version 1.0.1 – December 22 2019

* Added - Bulk Import plugin and sample listings CSV file

Version 1.0.0 – December 20 2019

* First release!

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