TownHub - Listing & Directory WP Theme

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Import Manual

Method 2: – Using WordPress Importer plugin.

In your downloaded theme package folder there is a file named townhub.wordpress.2019-11-23.xml in Demo Content folder, it is the demo data .xml file that was exported from our demo. It will be used in WordPress Importer plugin to import all demo data to your site.

There are also separated content files for each post type from the demo, was exported there if you only want import one of them. They are in \Post Types .XMLs/post_type.xml format.

To import from a WordPress export file into a WordPress blog follow these steps.

Log into that blog as an administrator.

Go to Tools > Import in the blog’s admin panels.

Choose WordPress from the list. (You need install the plugin for the first time)

Upload the file using the form provided on that page.

You will first be asked to map the authors in this export file to users on the blog. For each author, you may choose to map to an existing user on the blog or to create a new user

WordPress will then import each of the demo pages, posts, galleries, media, comments, categories and contact froms contained in this file into your blog.

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