TownHub - Listing & Directory WP Theme

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User Questions

I want to change the login screen to display our logo instead of TownHub.

–> You can override template file to change text with logo:

When someone is on the add listing dashboard page I want to remove the option above add listing that leads them to the membership plans page. Our directory will be offered for free. So, we don’t want anything there about payments.

–> Check this doc:

When someone clicks on the profile pic in the top right corner on the main page when they are logged in and there’s the drop down that says Earnings, Dashboard, etc. I want to remove earnings.

–> Override template file to delete these codes:

In the search bar, when I select all categories it doesn’t show all the categories. It just says “All Categories” in the drop down.

–> All Categories mean that listing from all categories will be returned not all categories will be selected.

How do I prevent a search from going through if someone only enter a search query without selecting a specific location? (Not as important, but the search still runs without requiring a city to be entered).

–> Override template to add required=”required”

On the About Us page I want to change the background image that remains stationary when one scrolls up or down.

–> Here it is:

I want to make all the thumbnails on the main page the size same if possible.

–> Check this:

When someone clicks on the profile pic in the top right corner on the main page when they are logged in and there’s the drop down that says Earnings, Dashboard, etc. I want to remove earnings.

–> Override template file to delete these codes:

Please explain to me how users can withdraw the money

How can make money (commissions) from users when selling own products?

–> The money will send to site owner and author earning ( based on author plan commission ) will be calculated to author. And he can track the earning from dashboard -> Withdrawal screen. And withdrawal request can be reviewed/approved by site owner manually.

How can we add logo of listing?

check this topic:

I want to disable completely the yearly in author plan, can you show me the way ?

–> Edit the page with Elementor -> edit Membership Plans element to hide Switcher button:

I want to disable the “closed/open now” :

–> Edit the page with Elementor -> edit Listings Slider element element to hide the status:

My advanced filter are empty and inside too, there is all the good value but “empty field” too :

–> Click Un-check button then check options again:

Is it possible to disable the earns :

Try the css code bellow

   display: none;

I want to increase the height of the header background (but still have the text and content in the vertical middle):

Try the code bellow

section.hero-section {
   padding-top: 150px;
   padding-bottom: 150px;

How to set for the listing owner the possibility do delete the account by him/herself through his personal area ( the dashboard basically )

–> Use this option: ( TownHub Add-Ons -> Register tab )

If i’m logged i can’t compile the fields on the checkout system. Now can i change this?

–> Override tab-infos.php file to delete this code:

Add View Counter to listing cards

Add new fields to Author Message form

Is it possible to add in the single listing, the featured image like a big first image after the heading section ? I want it single not in a slider with others images.

You can try custom image field, read this documentation for more details:

Restrict Countries

I have set one listing on free plan but after saving it, goes to a blank page?

Hide Add Listing button for guests and customers?

Event Dates – Multiple days event

Change map style – hide business icons

You can use the code bellow in theme’s scripts.js file to change map style ( hide business icons )

// A sample code to change map style
window.addEventListener('listingsMapInit', function(e){
        styles: [
                featureType: '',
                stylers: [{visibility: 'off'}]
                featureType: 'transit',
                elementType: 'labels.icon',
                stylers: [{visibility: 'off'}]


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