TownHub - Listing & Directory WP Theme

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Admin menus

How to set up the header search filter as it’s blank now?

–> Edit your default listing type post ( which is selected from TownHub Add-Ons -> Submit tab ) then Filter tab -> Header Filter tab. Watch this video guide to understand what does listing type post do ?

How to disable a particular option if I don’t wanna use (e.g. Listing Rooms, Listing Booking, Listing Invoice, Listing Coupon, and Author Withdrawal etcetera)?

–> Did you mean menu items in wp-admin area? –> It’s not possible.
For front-end view:

  • Listing Rooms, Listing Booking -> Delete it from listing type post -> Fields tab and Single –> Listing tab
  • Listing Invoice, Listing Coupon, and Author Withdrawal etcetera from user dashboard –> TownHub Add-Ons -> Membership tab:

Do I need to use woocommerce to sell listing plans to the authors as an admin or it is possible without woocommerce?

–> Yes, the theme has its own checkout system. So you just need to select checkout page here and setup payments on Payments tab

How to disable the floating cart option from the right side of the website?

–> Use this custom css code:

What is the difference between author subscription and author plans?

–> Author plan is plan post for user to choose to become author. Author subscription is subscription post created after user select author plan post to become author.

What is the listing invoice?

–> Created when author user completed his author subscription ( subscription post with Completed status )

What is listing bookings?

–> Listing booking posts from users

What is the author withdrawals?

–> Listing author get earning on every booking from guest ( based on author plan post commissions rate ). And the earning will showing on front-end dashboard, from there author can submit withdrawal request ( new post created on Author Withdrawals screen ). Then you (site owner ) review the request post and send author money to his account

What is listing coupons?

–> Coupon for listing to give discount to user

What is the AZP template?

–> It’s element for listing type builder: used for showing listing details.

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